Thursday, November 1, 2012

Comeback. No?

When was the last time I seriously posted something? Ah, two years ago.

Yeah, it's been a while. Saya tidak pernah mengira bahwa dua tahun SMA saya akan menyita banyak waktu. But, yes, my high school is totally different. SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, dengan institusi kekeluargaannya yang bernama 'Padmanaba', berhasil menyita segenap perhatian dan fokus saya dengan keluarbiasaannya.
But that's a different story.

The thing is, I missed blogging so much. Writing is like breathing for me and nothing can substitute that. Even when I dealt with acting and directing and theatre things (which is absolutely an incredible, lovely, and priceless chance to do to).
Theatre meant as much as literature for me, as now I realized that I cannot live without both.

So is this a comeback? Well, I'm not so sure. Blog ini ternyata sudah begitu lama ditinggalkan, my Dears. Sekarang, ketika saya kembali menatap ke belakang, I found how I have changed so much... It's so weird, how those old posts no longer describe the way I am now. To be honest, I am torn into thoughts of leaving this blog to rewrite my life.

Yet, a beginning is a beginning. Leaving six years of history behind is not easy. I started this blog at 2006. Enam tahun bukan waktu yang sebentar; ada begitu banyak hal terangkum di sini. While I am not so sure to share it publically, leaving many things that I have invested here is not that interesting either.

That's where I am asking your opinions. Should I make a new blog?

Still, enjoy the new face of this blog. I am currently doing redesigns for my social media accounts. It is just for a refreshment. Twelfth year is a hard year. Moreover, I am trying to be a more serious graphic designer while learning some basic photography, so I am practicing! Tell me what you think of my photographs. You may checkout my Twitter or Facebook, too.
By the way, if you need some designs, just contact me and let's see what I could make for you :)

Don't worry, Readers. For some time, I will still write in this blog.
Have a great life, people. Lots of love for you guys.
