Friday, March 1, 2013

#ARTproject (1).

So I just started a photography project which currently will only be known as #ARTproject. The word 'ART' stands for 'Aryou, Risa, Tanaya'. This is a collaboration between me and my long-time artististic soulmate, Arivina Risa. We had our school friend, Dwinda Tanaya, as our model. She is a dancer and was chosen as Jogjakarta's Student's Art Ambassador. 

The project was started at January 2013 and will still continue. Because we are going to have National Exam then applying for college, I think this project will took months to finish. Stay updated with #ARTproject's latest news from this blog and our Twitter accounts. You can also lend some hands in the project, in wardrobe or any other part; we will credit you later when the project finished.

Just wait for the roses to bloom... #ARTproject